03 March 2025


WorldPay is a third party supplier which is integrated with ebs to process online payments. You must contact WorldPay to agree a contract.

Integration is not part of the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub service profile and this is usually carried out by your IT Technical team. This service is available from your Professional Service Consultants if required.

WorldPay requires an institution to have an installation ID for each system in use. Unless you are transferring an installation ID to the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub online ePayment system you will need a new installation ID.

If you are a new customer to WorldPay you must create an account with them and obtain an installation ID. This will provide you with customer information to allow you to log in to the WorldPay website where your installation ID can be managed.

The institution settings for WorldPay are configured on the following screens (accessed from the Product Modules pane):

The following configuration information for WorldPay is also applicable:

The data sent to WorldPay when making a payment is described in the following table.

Value Source Notes
InstId Payment Account Id As defined in institution settings
CardId The ePayment transaction ID Generated from the EPAYMENT_TRANSACTION_ID_SEQ DB sequence when creating the payment
amount The total amount being paid -
currency The CurrencyCode institution setting ('CurrencyCode') -
MC_Callback The URL used to report back the status of the payment This is the server path appended with /epayments/PaymentResponse.aspx?pid={payment_token}
name FullName from the payment details -
email Email Address from the payment details -
testMode '100'

Only sent when ProviderPaymentTestMode is set to True

To enable test mode, you must set the IIS > TribalTech.EBS.Web.Services > web.config file parameter PaymentProviderTestMode to true. For more information, go to Tribal Communities.

accId1 The Payment Merchant Reference institution setting -
address1 AddressLine1 from the payment details -
address2 AddressLine2 from the payment details -
address3 AddressLine3 from the payment details -
town Town from the payment details -
region Region from the payment details -
postcode Postcode from the payment details -
country Country from the payment details -

Refer to PCI Compliance for further information about how ebs interacts with WorldPay.